Bible Study

Join us for our Wednesday evening bible study, where we get together to discuss a passage from scripture. It’s informal and takes place in the home of one of our Hope Church fellowship. It’s open to anyone interested in learning more about God’s word. New truths are often revealed to even those who have spent a lifetime in His word, through our discussions. Moreover, it’s a great opportunity to discover how God’s teaching can be applied to daily life. We also spend some time in prayer.

We encourage active participation, but there is no obligation to speak, so don’t let that put you off attending. What’s important is the value that you personally get from His word. You don’t need to be an expert in theology, or even have read the bible in whole or in part. The only thing you need is an open mind and an open heart, and you’ll fit right in at our bible study.

For more information and to get details on where we meet, just send us a message via our contact page.


12 Dec 2018


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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